The Importance of Trace Evidence
evidence can prove to be invaluable to the forensic analyst. Trace evidence comes in many varieties and is
easily overlooked by those who are not familiar with where to look for it. In the given scenario, we have several items,
which we can classify as trace evidence.
The first item we will look at is the glass fragments found near the
victim's head, which came from the driver side window.
The composition of most window glass
is made from what we call float glass. This type of glass gets its name from the
process that is normally used to cool the glass on a layer of molten tin. In comparing glass fragments the pieces need
to fit together perfectly to make a positive comparison. Fortunately, for us, the suspects left the vehicle
behind and this greatly facilitates our investigation. In this case, we do not have to look for
suspect glass for comparison to known glass; we have both in one convenient
location. However, we still have to make
comparisons for the benefit of legalities in a court of law. Next, we will discuss the comparison methods. (Safferstein,
Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 2011, p. 101) .
As stated earlier, we should have no
problem in demonstrating a perfect physical fit of the glass fragments. Two or more pieces of glass fitting together
perfectly exclude the possibility of the fragments originating from different
sources. Next, we will make a density
comparison of the glass fragments. (Safferstein,
Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 2011, p. 101) .
In our density comparison, we will
use a method called flotation. In this method, we will add a piece of reference
glass, which we collected from near the head of the victim, into a solution of bromoform. The density of the solution will be greater
than that of the glass fragment causing the fragment to float. Next, we carefully and slowly add small
amounts of a less dense liquid, bromobenzene,
to the solution. We now add bromobenzene to the solution until
the glass is suspended in the mixture. At
this point, the densities of the glass fragment and the solution are the same. Next, we will add fragments of the suspect
glass to the solution. The fragments
should be comparable in size. If the
solution also suspends these fragments, then the densities of the fragments are
the same, indicating that the two or more fragments that we compared,
originated from the same source. (Safferstein, Lab Manual for Criminalistics: An
Introduction to Forensic Science (Tenth ed), 2011, p. 9) . There
are varying degrees of densities contained in any given sheet of glass. We will need to adjust our solution to allow
for a specified variable of densities to match the imperfections in density of
the glass fragments. (Safferstein,
Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, 2011, p. 103) .
The more proof we have linking the
suspects to the evidence and the crime, the better chance we have of obtaining
a conviction. Therefore, we will now
perform another comparison test on the glass fragments. This time we will compare the refraction indices of the fragments. In this comparison, we are seeking the
disappearance of the Becke line. The
Becke line is a bright halo that appears around the edges of a glass fragment
when immersed in a liquid with a different refractive index than that of the
fragment. When the refractive indices of
the immersion liquid and the particle of glass are the same, which is known as
the match point, the halo disappears, thus the disappearance of the Becke line,
this method is known as the immersion method.
We can change the refractive index of the immersion liquid in a couple
different ways, the first, is by submerging them in a specific liquid medium,
which is usually a mixture of silicone oil.
The first method in which the refractive index of the immersion liquid
is changed is by changing the temperature of the liquid. This we do by slowly heating the liquid at
about 0.2 degrees C per minute until the solution reaches the match point. Heating the liquid has no noticeable effect
on the refractive index of the glass particle.
We need to carefully control the temperature of the liquid and
accurately record it during this procedure.
When the solution reaches the match point it is time to submerge the
particles to be compared to check for matching refractive indices of the
fragments. (Safferstein, Criminalistics: An Introduction to
Forensic Science, 2011, p. 103) .
Another method of changing the
refractive index of the immersion liquid is by much the same way that we changed
the density of the liquid in the first analysis. This time however we will use a mixture of bromoform
and olive oil, because we are changing the refractive index instead of changing
the density. The refractive index of
most glass ranges from 1.47 for headlight glass to about 1.53 for ophthalmic
lenses. The refractive indices for olive
oil and bromoform are 1.45 and 1.59 respectively. By mixing these two liquids until the
refractive index of the glass particle is reached, we will notice the
disappearance of the Becke line in much the same way as when we heated the liquid
to change its refractive index. Now we
perform the comparisons in the same way, we immerse the remaining fragments
that need comparison, to determine if the indices are the same, which would be
an indication of like origins. (Safferstein,
Lab Manual for Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science (Tenth ed),
2011, pp. 32-33) .
Now we will turn our attention to
the second piece of trace evidence found at the crime scene, which would be the
dark red paint found across the victim’s torso.
Paint is one of the most popular types of physical evidence, where the
volume of comparison requests passing through the crime labs are
concerned. When it comes to examining paint,
the layer construction is the most important characteristic to observe in
ascertaining the paint’s origin. Binder
composition is another important factor in determining the origin of a paint
specimen. Due to the wide variety that
manufacturers produce, it makes the task of determining paint’s origin
easier. (Safferstein, Criminalistics: An Introduction to
Forensic Science, 2011, pp. 342-343)
When it comes to analyzing paint, pyrolysis gas chromatography is
extremely useful. This technique is probably
the most reliable when characterizing a paint sample. This technique involves heating the sample
until it acquires a gaseous state. When
these gases are sent through a chromatograph,
we analyze the exiting gases. The resulting
pyrogram contains sufficient details to distinguish between polymers thus ascertaining
the paint’s origin. (Safferstein, Criminalistics: An Introduction to
Forensic Science, 2011, pp. 344-345)
spectrophotometry is another reliable technique for obtaining the same
results. This technique involves the infrared
absorption characteristic of a paint sample.
(Safferstein, Criminalistics: An Introduction to
Forensic Science, 2011, p. 345)
When collecting paint chips at the
crime scene, it is imperative to keep the paint chip intact. The sample can be placed in a piece of paper,
which is then folded around the sample or placed in a glass or plastic vial or
test tube. If the sample is imbedded
into another object then the entire object, if possible, should be sent to the
lab for analysis. (Safferstein, Criminalistics: An Introduction to
Forensic Science, 2011, pp. 347-348)
Now we can start the analysis of the
hair samples found at the crime scene.
This would be a black medium hair found in the driver side headrest and
a fine short blonde hair found on the lower portion of the passenger seat. Distinguishing human hair from animal hair is
easily accomplished; however, arriving at a conclusion of the origin of a human
hair when compared with another human hair is not as easily done. This difficulty is due to the variation of
morphological characteristics of hair samples taken from the same individual. Color, length, and diameter of the hair are
major concerns when comparing hairs, it is also necessary to collect an
abundance of samples from a suspected individual to make adequate
comparisons. As with bullet comparisons,
hair comparisons are best achieved by the use of a comparison microscope. (Safferstein, Criminalistics: An Introduction to
Forensic Science, 2011, pp. 324-327)
The final piece of trace evidence we
will examine is the pink fiber found on the bumper of the vehicle, which
appears to match the pink shorts worn by the victim at the time of the crime. Examination and linking of a piece of fiber
to its origin depends largely on the experience and expertise of the forensic
analyst. Due to the mass production of
fibers in today’s world, individual characteristics of a single fiber is hard
to determine. This phenomenon is also
largely attributable to the production of so many manufactured fibers. Fortunately, in this particular circumstance,
we have the shorts the victim was wearing and the piece of fiber recovered from
the bumper. This should permit us to
make a positive match just by piecing together the materials. If this were not the case, it would make it
extremely difficult, if not impossible, to determine the origin of the evidence
fiber and match it with the reference fiber.
(Safferstein, Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic
Science, 2011, pp. 330-335)
We should now have enough corroborative
evidence to charge and subsequently prosecute the suspects for this crime.
Definitions of Terms
Chromatograph>A method of finding out which components
a gaseous or liquid mixture contains that involves passing it through or over
something that absorbs the different components at different rates.
Float Glass>Flat polished transparent glass made by
solidifying molten glass as it floats on liquid of higher density such as tin.
Flotation>A process for separating materials such
as a mixture of minerals in an ore according to their different abilities to
float in a given liquid.
Infrared Spectrophotometry>The portion of
the invisible electromagnetic spectrum consisting of radiation with wavelengths
in the range of 750 nm to 1 mm, between light and radio waves.
Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography>The use of heat
to breakdown complex chemical substances into simpler substances.
Refraction Index>The change in direction that occurs when
a wave of energy such as light passes from one medium to another of a different
Safferstein, R. (2011). Criminalistics: An
Introduction to Forensic Science (Tenth ed.). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson
Safferstein, R. (2011). Lab Manual for Criminalistics: An Introduction
to Forensic Science (Tenth ed).
Upper Sadle
River, NJ: Pearson Education.
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